What should the service I commission provide?

  1. LGBTQ+ group work or signposting to LGBTQ+ services
  2. Connecting LGBTQ+ young people to LGBTQ+ adults e.g. service staff and guests
  3. Commitment to addressing social isolation as a major cause of mental health difficulties


Queer Futures 2 What Works NHS Commissioning Guidance

Queer Futures 2 – Commissioning Guidance Slides

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Joey* (staff member) said “psychosocial education might be a posh way of putting it, but really what I think we're doing is trying to empower young people to build confidence and self-esteem and networks. So for the young people to find their people.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.

Queer Futures 2 Newsletter

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