What should the service I commission provide?

  1. Comprehensive and transparent policy around confidentiality, e.g. ensuring that no young person is ‘outed’ without their consent
  2. Provision of meaningful feedback processes to get input on safety from LGBTQ+ young people
  3. Evidence of engagement with best practice and robust procedures for addressing bullying and victimisation


Queer Futures 2 What Works NHS Commissioning Guidance

Queer Futures 2 – Commissioning Guidance Slides

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Eva* (staff member) said "if parents are anxious we’ll go: ‘come in the room together for the first five minutes,’ explain the boundary, explain the confidentiality, and then I ask them to leave. Then I say to the client, ‘and now our session’s beginning.’ So always they know it’s separate.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.

Queer Futures 2 Newsletter

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