What should the service I commission provide?
- Comprehensive and transparent policy around confidentiality, e.g. ensuring that no young person is ‘outed’ without their consent
- Provision of meaningful feedback processes to get input on safety from LGBTQ+ young people
- Evidence of engagement with best practice and robust procedures for addressing bullying and victimisation
Queer Futures 2 What Works NHS Commissioning Guidance
Queer Futures 2 – Commissioning Guidance Slides
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Eva* (staff member) said "if parents are anxious we’ll go: ‘come in the room together for the first five minutes,’ explain the boundary, explain the confidentiality, and then I ask them to leave. Then I say to the client, ‘and now our session’s beginning.’ So always they know it’s separate.”
*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.