What should the service I commission provide?
- Modelling of diverse LGBTQ+ futures, whether direct e.g. visits or staff lived experience, or indirect e.g. partnership working with LGBTQ+ specific services
- Awareness of the importance of LGBTQ+ young people’s development to improving mental health. This may include supporting LGBTQ+ young people’s interests e.g providing or signposting to development opportunities
Queer Futures 2 What Works NHS Commissioning Guidance
Queer Futures 2 – Commissioning Guidance Slides
To listen to what is written on this page, click below
Val* (young person) said “pride, autism, mental health, how to best support ourselves and each other. Every year they have a group of trans adults come to talk about their careers and how they started a family in whatever way that looks like for them.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.
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