What should the service I commission provide?

  1. Integrated approach to health and wellbeing i.e. understand mind and body holistically and not separate from each other
  2. Clinical advocacy e.g. with GP, access to trans healthcare
  3. Attention to but not overemphasis on the body and its role in improving mental health e.g. exercise, sleep


Queer Futures 2 What Works NHS Commissioning Guidance

Queer Futures 2 – Commissioning Guidance Slides

To listen to what is written on this page, click below

Joey* (staff member) said “we will step in and contact the GP directly or we have our own GPs where young people could have an appointment here. What would happen is that our GP would then speak to their GP. So from GP to GP it would be like "this is what this young person needs is a referral to gender identity services.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.

Queer Futures 2 Newsletter

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1:00 AM Jan 1st

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