Emily Edwards
Job Title: Senior CAHMS Commissioning Manager Organisation: Salford City Council
Emily has worked as a commissioner for 20+ years, and over the past 4 years Emily has worked as the local authority emotional health and wellbeing lead and since 2018 as the Senior Integrated Commissioning Manager for both the Council and CCG. Emily oversees Salford’s CAMHS Transformation Plan, Salford’s Thrive Partnership and leads on the 0-25 transformation programme for emotional health and Salford’s children and young people’s mental health commissioning.
In 2016, Salford set up an LGBT working group and commissioned The Proud Trust to undertake an important research and consultation project into the experiences and identified needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) young people in Salford and implications for tailored service provisions. This project has provided the foundation for continued work around improving the offer and mental health support for LGBT young people in Salford.