What should I know?
Your rights as a young person matter, including your right to safely explore and express your sexuality and/or gender, your right to seek support, and your rights to confidentiality. You also have the right to know about your rights! You should be supported in understanding and expressing your rights in different areas of your life, and in feeling safe to express yourself.
What might help me?
- Knowing your rights
- Having nothing happen to you that you don’t know is going to happen
- Having your privacy respected and making decisions for yourself
Knowledge of rights (Article 42)
NHS Youth Forum – Your Rights When Accessing Healthcare as a Trans and/or Non-binary Young Person
Proud Trust – Your Rights and the Law
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Bryn* (service staff member) said “I think education of rights, psychoeducation, so LGBTQ+ people can understand that what they're going through doesn't mean that they're crazy or insane or they should be judged or rejected or feel shame.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.
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