Hope can be defined as a state of mind based on the expectation of positive outcomes in the future. Hope (and despair) for LGBTQ+ young people are influenced by factors such as climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic, which have made young people feel uncertain about their futures. There is evidence that hope is a protective factor for mental health.
LGBTQ+ young people can feel hopeful when the principles of Possibility and Recognition are upheld.
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Supporting LGBTQ+ young people to discover and explore interests and passions; and affirming diverse LGBTQ+ futures and adult lives.
By contrast
When this is not achieved LGBTQ+ young people can feel DESPAIR
Georgie* (young person) said “the staff actively encourage and support the hopes, dreams and hobbies of the young people they support and it is a joy to witness. They also actively seek out opportunities for young people that will help them with their current hobbies or find new ones, such as sports, art, drama, and writing. This is all excellent in helping to build confidence in the young people.”

*These quotations use pseudonyms and have been anonymised to protect participant’s identity.
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